Our commitment to quality, environment and safety
Our modern life has become impossible without the use of chemicals, but fossil resources are finite and the world population is growing. Responsible and safe handling of chemicals is therefore indispensable.
MATSEN CHEMIE AG has made it its goal to primarily sell innovative chemical products, which are manufactured for example on the basis of renewable raw materials or have a positive influence on our environment in another form. In addition, by using state-of-the-art technology and efficient logistics, we try to minimise additional burdens on the environment and completely eliminate risks. Safety, as well as permanently high quality of our products and services, is our declared goal and the basis of all our actions. We see long-term and trusting relationships with our business partners as an opportunity to understand and sustainably satisfy their quality requirements.
We document our responsibility for quality and the environment through our own MATSEN STIFTUNG, certifications according to DIN EN ISO 9001 & 14001, and participation in the UN Global Compact pacts.
The future begins now, so we are already thinking about tomorrow today.
If you would like to know more about our commitment or have questions, you are welcome to use the contact form .